The first larger meeting of young coaches was organized on September the 24th 2021 at the Olympic Stadium and through Zoom under the name Young Coaches – Makers of the Future. The purpose of the event was to offer coaches aged 18–30 a development opportunity as well as a chance to network with coaches from other sports. Almost 50 participants from all over Finland participated in the event, either live in-person or remotely.
The event consisted of an introduction to coaching, networking possibilities as well as workshops where instructions for young coaches were put together. These instructions were finalized at the beginning of this year as theses for coaches who are at the beginning of their coaching path. The instructions were published in the Coaches’ magazine 2/2022 and are now also available online as 10 theses for a young coach.
The next open meeting for Young Coaches will be held on September 30, 2022 in Helsinki.
10 theses for a young coach
1. Networking and meeting people.
Find or build a network of coaches around you, because you don't have to do everything alone. Through coaching, you become part of a social network that you can use and fall back on to throughout your life.
2. Managing oneself.
Get to know yourself. Dare to create boundaries in the flexible working environment you find yourself in. Don't be afraid to say no. Remember to take care of your own well-being.
3. Own strengths.
Recognize your own strengths as a coach and strive to develop yourself as a coach constantly.
4. Trust your own skills.
Be yourself and trust in what you do, this will make communication with parents easier. Trust your own skills, because as a young coach you are on the top and in the front of your own development path.
5. Coaching style.
Find your own coaching style and know your role as a coach.
6. Relevance.
As a coach, you are also an educator. Understand the importance of your work for both athletes and yourself for the future.
7. Goals.
Set goals for yourself as a coach and find athlete’s goals together with them.
8. Successes.
Enjoy your own and the athlete's success! Success, development and results are created in an inspiring and encouraging coaching atmosphere.
9. Internal motivation.
Maintain your own inner motivation in the long-term coaching process by noticing success also in small things and appreciate your own work as a coach.
10. Learn something new.
Be curious, try to learn as much as possible from others and actively seek new information. Feel free to try out something new.